Thursday, May 17, 2012

u & me


Lamanya x laa kononnye..
Alhamdulillah..hari-hari yg dilalui, aku masih boleh berdiri sendiri..
HikmahNya sgt laa aku syukuri..
Sesuatu yg x pernah aku terfikir..
Dan aku menjadi semakin matang & positif..

The more gracious u are, the more u will realize how much you have been blessed.. 
And, by doing this, Allah willing, u will be stronger..

RT from @HRHJohor2; 
'tough times never last, but tough people do..'

Aku xnak keliru & xnak berharap apa2..
Just let it be..

Arie said: 
'Sometimes, we simply care for someone without reasons,
without expecting much..
Just knowing that the person is happy and safe, its enough..'

Tcare friends, live well..
